About Dr. Leena Jagdale

Dr. Leena Jagdale has done her Masters in Ayurveda Medicine at Tilak Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya. She holds a Gold medal in her M.D. exams. Dr. Leena has worked with many stalwarts of Ayurvedic Medicine to gain experience and knowledge during the earlier part of her career.She has earned accolade from her teachers for her knowledge and deft handling of patients. She has been in practice since the past 31 years.
Dr. Leena pursued her passion of working in Women’s diseases and infertility. She has brought smiles to many would – be mothers through her treatments, whose IVF and other methods of pregnancy had failed. Infertility has been a rising concern in the modern day lifestyle. She addresses their issues and makes presentations in this regard to enlighten women.
Ante natal care or special care and treatments during pregnancy is an important element for having healthy as well as distinctly intelligent children. Dr Leena has provided the necessary guidance care and treatment to pregnant women.
The newly found motherhood, especially in small unit families, without elders to guide them, becomes a major hurdle. She addresses pediatric issues with simple remedies to address their anxieties.
The pangs of guilt in a second time mother is very palpable when she shifts focus on to the second child. A lot of issues need to be addressed in the process where Dr Leena provides able guidance.
Dr. Leena is passionate about healthy cooking. Home cooked food, simple methods of cooking food, the right types of food for pregnant ladies, for children and lactating mothers are some of the issues that she addresses in her practice. Pregnant women need to be wary about their food since it impacts the child and its health. Children need to be fed sumptuous foods that meet their tastes so that it creates an instant liking. Lactating mothers need to be conscious about their diet since it affects the milk on which the child survives. Therefore, new mother must be very careful about what she eats.
Menstrual disorders and issues during menarche have a bearing on the quality of pregnancy and motherhood in the future. When such issues are addressed at the right time, they can well avoid complications in the future.