How does Ayurveda view Covid Infections and its aftermath ?

Respiratory diseases show problems in breathing. It would normally be seen as a bronchial spasm that constricts the air passage, collection of phlegm, mucous in the passages leading to obstruction in breathing, or in some cases, loss of strength to inhale or exhale which we see in terminally ill patients.

However in Covid infections, there is no obstruction in the airways, no bronchial spasm, good strength to inhale and yet they gasp for breath. This is because there is a drop in oxygen levels in the blood, the prana of the pranvayu is deficient. The blood is severely affected that does not allow gaseous exchange and oxygenation.

However, the oxygen from the air we breathe is just the same. Therefore, the problem lies in taking IN the oxygen available from the air. Although an apparent respiratory problem, it does not show a respiratory tract involvement but an issue of blood where gaseous exchange occurs. There are pneumonitic patches observed in the lungs but not always, and the breathing trouble is by far more than the extent of the patches.

To address this problem, blood quality needs to be restored to normal. The tridosha infested blood should be purified and their balance restored in the blood. This needs to be understood purely in Ayurvedic terms and it may differ from the modern view. Immunity essentially means the quality of the blood and the resilience of the body to face infective organisms.

Comorbidities such as diabetes and hypertension affect the blood quality leading to vulnerability to infections or diseases.
Continued vigilant observance of diet, deep breathing exercise, brahmacharya or controlled sexual interaction and stress free living go a long way to strike this balance.

Monsoon brings in new water. It flows down rivers carrying dirt, dust and minerals of the soil loosened by hot summers. The initial water, therefore appears muddy and unhealthy for drinking. It is advised to have boiled water for drinking and cooking purposes.
Boiling process not only kills organisms but more importantly disintegrates the minerals to get easily digested. श्रुतं जलम्! It could be boiled, cooled and consumed at room temperature.

People with digestive problems or such tendencies should have boiled water the year round to avoid such mishaps stemming from unhealthy water.

Use of fans and air conditioners has become a common sight in urban India. The wind and chill created by the air conditioners during summers is a healthy welcome from scorching heat. This is effective as long as tge weather is clear and without clouds. Whenever there is cloud cover or as the monsoon sets in, bringing in cloud cover, it raises the density of  air closer to the surface of the earth. That leads to compressed air in limited space covered by thick clouds like a lid, at the top. This leads to a higher movement among the gas and air molecules, a rise in the kinetic energy.

When such a phenomenon occurs, it leads to problems like bronchial spasms, asthma, sudden catch in any muscle, cramps, gases, digestive problems, changes in sleep patterns and mood swings. These are vat symptoms, very commonly seen in this season.

Oil application over the body regularly helps avoiding such tendencies, vat reducing food should be consumed and keep the meals light.

* This is the Doctor’s interpretation of the Ayurvedic Texts based on his experience of over 32 years, and that there can be further discussion on the issue.