Pre Menstrual Symptoms

Many women do not notice if their periods are just round the corner, while some notice changes in the body about 10 – 15 days before the onset. There are some who notice a few hours before the onset of the periods. These are indications of an imminent procedure where none of the symptoms be considered as abnormal or a pathology.

The apan vayu works in the downwardly direction to cause defecation, urination, menstruation and expulsion of the fetus during child birth. When the apn vayu is in proper levels and functioning properly, each of these function occur seamlessly.

When there is pain while menstruation, cramps in the abdomen, irregular menses, painful menses, prolonged scanty flow , it is a sign of the vat is not performing properly. This leads to many more symptoms that are primarily attributed to vat.

In such cases, there is a need to address the vat to streamline its direction. That helps it to perform its functions optimally. The premenstrual symptoms occur when there is a buildup of vat while still not initiating the menstruation process. This vat then spreads to peripheral organs and systems leading to a series of symptoms.

The symptoms are varied but there are some commonly seen that are listed below;

  1. Bloated abdomen
  2. Frequent headaches
  3. Drowsiness
  4. Sudden rise of hairfall
  5. Nausea
  6. Gases
  7. Constipation
  8. Frequent urination
  9. Cramps in the calf muscles
  10. Cramps in the feet and toes
  11. Swelling over the face, fingers and toes, legs
  12. Sudden rise of white discharge
  13. Piles and fissures
  14. Craving for spicy food
  15. Excess sleep
  16. Lack of sleep

The need is to address the issues for the cause of the rise of vat, address the obstructive elements which hinder the smooth movement of vat.

While addressing these factors, care also needs to be taken to address the well being of the structures as well. The uterus, the ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix and vaginal tract need to be treated so that they stay in proper balance and function optimally.

* This is the Doctor’s interpretation of the Ayurvedic Texts based on his experience of over 32 years, and that there can be further discussion on the issue.