About Dr. Subodh Jagdale

Dr. Subodh Jagdale has been practicing over the last 31 years. He completed his bachelor degree in Ayurveda from Tilak Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, a prestigious and one of India’s earliest institutes for Ayurveda learning in Pune, India.
Dr. Subodh has studied Ayurveda with many gurus. The learning process is still in progress, diagnosing the modern day symptoms and experimenting with combinations of herbs and medicines continues as nature of disease expression has seen a change over time.
Dr. Jagdale studied astrology at the hands of reputed Jyostish (Vedic Astrology) Scholars. His pursuit was to try and establish the relationship between Ayurveda diagnosing and vedic astrology. He has developed this art over the years and it has assisted the process of diagnosis and prognosis of prevalent and potential diseases of the patient. Ayurveda and vedic astrology have been contemporary sciences. They are based on the same fundamental principles that help ascertain the nature of the disease. Vedic astrology has stated the effects of the 9 planets. Dr. Jagdale uses the science to assess health in Ayurvedic terms.
Besides use of Astrology, Dr Jagdale has studied in much detail Bach’s Flower Remedies and used it in practice for insightful results among patients.
Dr. Subodh Jagdale has studied human resource and personnel management and secured a degree (MPM) from Pune University. This study has helped the doctor to understand corporate structure, its functioning and its repercussions on health matters. He has been conducting programs on Lifestyle management at corporate level to enlighten the workforce about Ayurvedic perspective on stress, occupational hazards and its prevention.
Health includes physical health and mental health. Physical problems often are effects of the mental or psychological issues. Addressing the mental issues plays an important role to heal a person physically and change the quality of life for the better. Psyche and physical body relationship and its finer issues is an important interest of Dr. Jagdale and he has been studying how the body responds to such influences. .
Ayurveda is one of the only sustained and documented medical sciences from the past and its education and propagation among the people about its relevance has been one of the primary objectives of Dr. Jagdale. He addresses the masses to educate them of the greatness of Lifestyle as prescribed by Ayurveda to help enhance immunity and disease prevention and encourage people to opt for Ayurveda as their first choice of treatment.
Those interested in Ayurveda approach him for learning and the doctor never hesitates to share the knowledge and enlighten students with its treasures. He conducts physical and online sessions for Ayurveda admirers. People from all walks of life, from different cultures and even countries, love to follow his practical insights.