
Ameya A. Dixit
Charlotte, NC, USA
I have known Dr. Subodh Jagdale and Dr. Leena Jagdale for about 25+ years. In 2014, in my late thirties , I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). I live here in the USA and went to a rheumatologist who had prescribed me methatraxate. Knowing that it was to be taken for the
remainder of my life, I declined his medicine and started looking for alternatives. Hence, I decided to ask Dr. Jagdale and asked him if there was a treatment in ayurveda for it. He told me that there is treatment for it in Ayurveda and that he will treat me. After checking my reports, as well as my birth chart, he provided me with his medicines. I started taking his treatment and now for the last 5 years I have had no issues due to RA. I am back to traveling for work, try to maintain my weight and exercise regularly. His directions are pretty detailed, the medicine does take time to take effect and works well if one follows his instructions. He is very easy to get hold off and communicates regularly with his patients who live abroad. I have recommended few people to him and will continue to recommend them in future.

Sumathi Devibalan
Home maker, Chennai
First and foremost, I must thank the lord above that I managed to meet Dr. Subodh in my life. We live in Chennai and i never hesitate to contact him for all health issues in my family. Be it cold, cough,fever or even an headache. He responds spontaneously with a smile on his face and patiently listens to our problem. He then renders his treatment and ensures that we feel comfortable and confident.we have bestowed full faith in his treatment, as he identifies and addresses the roots of the problem. His approach to every health issue is so simple involving home made lep, kasahayam, oil massage etc. My 60 yrs old husband,once complained of continuous hiccups.he had lost his appetite because of the hiccups. the Allopathic doctor prescribed antacids,antibiotics,multivitamin tabs and steroids to be consumed for 3 days followed by a review. My husband had them for 1 day (3 doses). Fearing the amount of allopathic medicines, I contacted Dr. Subodh. He suggested i immediately stop the Allopathic medicines and start Ayurveda medicines that he prescribed. Most importantly we should not worry if he doesn't eat. Loss of appetite is an obvious result of having continuous hiccups, he said. The recovery was a slow process but it's results were very satisfactory.hiccups got considerably reduced from the 3rd day and his appetite too improved. It was like a miracle for our family. My husband suffered severe shoulder and arms pain. After a few scans and X-rays the Orthopaedic doctor suggested immediate surgery to rectify the wearing of the tendon. Dr. Subodh's oil massage and hot water fomentation helped him get plenty of relief from the pain. he also advised him a change in his diet to avoid such aches and pains in future. My husband who is diabetic, took medicines prepared by the doctor for nearly 5 months to help him improve his living standards. There has been a considerable change in him now. During covid times especially when my husband and i ran temperature,we were tempted to undergo the covid test. Dr. Subodh just advised us to stay calm with his ayurvedic medicines treatment for a few days.it helped. Dr. Subodh has been helping us with horoscope guidance during tough times too.we feel lot more relieved and at ease after he has briefed us of the horoscope and its effects and how long it will last etc. He's no less than a Samaritan in the guise of an Ayurvedic doctor. We wish that he continues his practise in the same way for many more years thus bringing solace to many families like ours.

Beena Suresh
Ex Banking Professional, Pune
I Beena Suresh know Dr. Jagdale for 25 years. He had just started practising at that time and I had been to Dr. Jagdale for treatment for pain in the joints. I had taken several treatments but nothing could help me as the cause of pain in the joint was not diagnosed. When the pain became severe and was unable to walk, that is when I approached Dr. Jagdale. Dr. Jagdale gave me medicines and was relieved of the pain in a few days and was completely cured. For any health issue for me and my family, if it has to be cured I have to approach Dr. Jagdale.
Recently, I had hyperpigmentation and took several treatments but did not get satisfactory results. I had no option left but to approach Dr. Jagdale. He diagnosed the cause of it and I was cured. My mother who is 85 years old used to complain of ear pain and swelling near the ear from a very long time. She took several treatments and after a few days it used to swell again. At last over the phone, I told Dr. Jagdale of my mother's ear pain and swelling. He gave her a paste to be applied and within 2 days the pain and the swelling disappeared. Till today she has no complaint about the ear pain. I and my family members have a good experience with the treatment of Dr. Jagdale and always prefer to visit him on priority. Since Dr. Jagdale has a friendly approach we are able to discuss all health related problems and find good results.

Overseas Patient
Overseas Patient
Dr. Subodh has a unique and bespoke expertise which combined helps one both with the physical malaise and the emotional guidance. I have known him for many years and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him.

Ashish Kulkarni
Senior IT Professional, Mumbai
I’ve been associated with the founders of Astro Ayurved for over two decades. My job entails constant travel, long hours, irregular meals and of course, stress. To beat the ill effects of these life style factors, I relied extensively on advice, diet and medicines ( of course, आयुर्वेदिक) dispensed by Astroayurved. I found that the combination of advice & medicine, judiciously taken has transformed my life experience. Despite the factors mentioned above, I’ve remained healthy, fit and happy. Of course, you have to follow them to the “t”. But the benefits of doing so are immense. You become immune to common ailments, you can follow a relatively normal diet without too many restrictions and most importantly, you keep away the lifestyle diseases! Avoiding of expensive drugs with their side effects puts you on a positive trajectory!! Hats Off to you guys and keep it coming.

Mrs. Prachiti
IT Professional, India
Dr. Leena Madam and Sir are very knowledgeable n intelligent. They are having best expertise and experience in the field of Ayurveda. I am blessed with baby recently, and it would not have been possible without Dr. Leena Mam n Sir who came as a ray of sunshine in my life. Both of them have very deep knowledge of Austroayurveda. I am always thankful to these angles in my life n will always hold a special place in my heart forever.

Sudhir Dhabke
Director, ImpelPro SCM Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Thane, India.
Hello, I am Sudhir Dabke. I have known Dr. Subodh Jagdale for the last 30 years or so. They have developed their own slightly different donation method. In this method Dr. Subodh the life expectancy approach is accompanied by a systematic approach. According to our experience over many years this different approach helps in correct and accurate diagnosis of treatment was more effective.
The methods of taking the medicine are so simple that they are easily available at home. Come on Because of this, it became easy to find and take Dr. Subodh's medicines during the last years. Everyone in our family takes treatment from Dr. Subodh. They are effective. If anyone in the house is interested, look Daruvani belongs to Dr. Sobodh. I highly recommend Dr. Subodh Jagdale. All the best for their future studies.

Gabriela Caraman
Lelystad, the Netherlands
"Studying under the guidance of Vaidya Jagdale is very rewarding. His knoweldge of Sanskrit, extensive clinical experience, ability to explain complex terms and integrate healthy routines in a fast paced culture, made Ashtang Hrudaya available for comprehension and implementation. Likewise, in his consultations, the holstic approach coupled with the understanding of human nature, accessible remedies and positive results, inspire the patient to persist with a healthy lifestyle.
Strongly recommending Vaidya Jagdale's healthy articles as well as learning or consulting him. He is an oasis of knowledge, patience and insight for whomever decides to take wellbeing to new heights."