Meet our team of Ayurveda Physicians and alternative medicine practitioners.
Our experts have many years of experience.

Dr. Subodh Jagdale
Founder and Chief Physician
Dr. Subodh Jagdale is the Founder and Chief Physician at the ASTRO AYURVEDA CLINIC in Pune, India. Dr. Subodh Jagdale has been practicing over the last 3 decades. He completed his Bachelor Degree in Ayurveda from Tilak Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, a prestigious and one of India’s earliest institutes for Ayurveda learning in Pune, India.

Dr. Leena Jagdale
Ayurved Physician
Dr. Leena Jagdale has an extensive experience of over 3 decades, she has been working as an Ayurveda Physician and fostering health for many. Her immense knowledge of Ayurvedic Sciences & medicines has helped treat numerous patients till date. She specialises in the field of Gynaecology and Paediatric Medicine.