Why Astro Ayurveda?

Vedic Astrology and Ayurveda are contemporary Vedic sciences.
They had evolved during the same era. The sciences of the prevalent times were based on similar set of fundamentals. There has been mention of observing the tara bal or the star or planetary orientation for successful results in Ayurveda texts. In fact, muhurta or auspicious time is always observed for embarking on any new project.
The most important factor that was observed was, that the planetary description in the texts states its influence on the panchamahboothas or the 5 basic elements by which the world is created. It clearly suggests that the planets are made from the same panchamahbhootas.
Planets Infulence Human Lives
As the planets influence human lives, it would also, obviously, influence the physiological processes of the human body. This explains that if these influences are strong enough, they would have a potential to cause pathology in the human body.

There is also mention of planets and their effects on the physical body, in the vedic astrology texts. It is a safe to conclude, that there evidently was a healthy exchange between the two sciences in the past. This interdisciplinary approach has been useful for accurate diagnosing of the patient. It helps to evaluate how chronic the disease has been, locate the root cause of the trend of the disease, the possible sequelae of the disease, and the treatment options one can consider under the circumstances.
The mind plays an important role in the health of a person. Healthy mind can be keeps the body healthy and vice versa. The state of mind can be evaluated by the charts to decide its possible repercussions on the health if the person desires to continue the same trends of thinking and emotional approach.
The insights that can be derived from the charts can provide an assured roadmap to ascertain the line of treatment in the best interest of the person.