Late nights or staying up late in the nights has been a common trend, more so among the young generation.
It starts off from completing term work and submissions during college days and then continues relentlessly into one’s career.
This trend upsets the biological clock of the body and ends up becoming a cause for a variety of diseases.
Hyperacidity, Constipation, Gases, flatulence, Dandruff, Pimples, Dark circles under the eyes, Lack of concentration, Dry skin, Heart disease, Hair loss, Menstrual disorders, PCOD, infertility, Piles and fissures, Urinary problems and Eye disorders
The solution is to sleep early at night.
If you wish to make up for the loss during the day, then you sleep just half of the missed sleep during the day on an empty stomach. That is if you sleep one hour late in the night, then you sleep half an hour the next day before lunch
Early dinner helps to complete the digestion before you get up the next morning; if you get up with low energy and want to go back to sleep, it is a sign that the food of the previous night is still not digested.
You eat less if your dinner is delayed, so that there is less load on the system with a limited period of time for its complete digestion.
* This is the Doctor’s interpretation of the Ayurvedic Texts based on his experience of over 32 years, and that there can be further discussion on the issue.