
There are 3 stages in life in terms of food consumption; Ksheerad, Ksheeraannad and Annad.
Ksheerad – milk consuming infant
Ksheerannad – some food along with milk consumption
Annad – moved to regular food weaned away from milk

When the urge to have regular food rises, there is a natural drop in the urge to have the earlier volumes of milk. This also suggests the state of digestion. As the digestive prowess among infants grows, the child moves away from milk. Once the teeth have developed, there is no need for infants to stay on milk diet. The teething is a sign that the digestive system has evolved. Until the digestive system develops well, the teeth may not show out in the infants.

On similar lines, an adult seldom needs milk as a form of food, since there is a well developed digestive system, and well developed teeth to masticate and digest the consumed food. Vat and Pitta constitution persons often find the urge to have milk in their diet regularly. 

Milk is considered very satvik food, as it is released by the mother animal out of sheer love for its young ones. Emotionally depraved persons, those wanting to move on a spiritual path, people who are subjected to emotional disturbances may well use milk as a way to bring peace to oneself. Milk induces sleep in the consumer. This is because; milk brings in peace to the mind. The agitations are quietened which induces sleep.

Those unable to digest milk find kapha and vat rise in their system. It may lead to gases, belching, loose motions, nausea and loss of appetite if not used to drinking. It also causes phlegm resulting in cough and cold. Such people should best avoid indulging in milk.

Types of Milk :
The Normal milk for consumption is cow milk and buffalo milk. The cow’s milk is easier to digest. It has less fat and can be easy to assimilate in the system.
Buffalo milk is difficult to digest, it has fat content and since buffalo is a water animal, it is more difficult for assimilation compared to the cow milk.
Cow’s milk is effective for lactating mothers, since it increases the volume and quality of their milk for their infants. Cow’s milk is nourishing, reduces pitta and raises kapha in the system. It can be a good diet supplement for recuperating patients. In cases of extreme vat pitta levels as seen in dry cough, bronchial spasm, extreme thirst, prolonged fever, urinary tract disorders, milk consumption can be very useful. It is also found to help in raktapitta disease where the pitta increases in the blood stream. It improves the levels of shukra and is therefore considered to be aphrodisiac. Buffalo milk is especially useful for insomnia.

How do we have milk

Milk should be consumed keeping in mind that it is difficult to digest, that it can create phlegm and respiratory disorders if it is not properly assimilated in the system. Milk should be had in small amounts to see it is digested properly and raised the volumes over time. Adding sugar and dry ginger (shunthi )or cardamom (elaichi ) or even turmeric to the milk helps take care of its digestion. Milk is satvik as discussed earlier, can help calm the mind, induce sleep and nourish the body at all ages.

* This is the Doctor’s interpretation of the Ayurvedic Texts based on his experience of over 32 years, and that there can be further discussion on the issue.