What is the Ayurvedic perspective on the rain season or Varsha Ritu (Monsson season) in India and the tropical areas ?

Excess water in the environment and cloud cover reflects on the body in a unique way. Varsha ritu gives rise to vat and vat related symptoms flare up during these times.

If you are drenched in the rains and then dry the clothes on the body, the severity of vat goes up. People who travel to the office in wet clothes, continue to sit in an air conditioned environment for 8 -10 hours lead to vat rise in their system. Water is inherently cold and it leads to rise of vat.

Cramps in the legs and muscles, fever, loose motions, body ache, sneezing, cough, cold, running nose & digestive issues like flatulence  are some of the symptoms due to such exposure. Urticaria or allergic rash over the body, swelling in the feet is also observed.

The advice is to never stay in wet clothes for long, never dry yourself in those clothes, the heat of the body is wasted in drying the body. Carry a pair of clothes and a towel with you to the office.

Use shunthi or dry ginger a quarter of a teaspoon, 2-3 times a day with warm water. If you have cramps, then use the same powder to apply over the area. It could warm up the body, reduce swelling, pain and urticaria.

* This is the Doctor’s interpretation of the Ayurvedic Texts based on his experience of over 32 years, and that there can be further discussion on the issue.