Are there Antibiotics in Ayurveda ?

The modern medicine works on a set of parameters while addressing diseases. Before we understand these parameters it is necessary to understand how they see the disease itself.

Broadly, the modern medicines tend to classify the diseases in 2 categories, 1) structural abnormality and 2) functional deviation, both lead to diseases.

When the structural discipline is affected, it leads to a disease, for example renal failure, where the kidneys undergo structural changes, tumor like growth in the body leading to pain or other symptoms suggestive of a disease. An altered blood count or values, understandably, leads to a harmful situation called a disease.

Functional abnormality causes unwanted substances to increase in the blood, or an organ, functions at a less efficiency that leads to harmful effects, which is called a disease. Inability to walk, paralysis, inability to hear or see are functional shortcomings.

Infectious diseases are caused by organisms, such as influenza, measles whereas non infectious diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease occur without any involvement of infections.

Modern medicines have a distinct approach to treatment of diseases;

  • Re establish the structural order so that the disease state is put to an end.
  • Functional deviation is brought into control so that functional balance is restored.
  • Organisms leading to diseases are addressed so that they perish and disease is eradicated.

Steroidal treatments are put in place so that non infectious diseases are addressed.

Ayurveda’s point of view

When an imbalance among vat, pitta and kapha grows significantly, the increased doshas take refuge in a tissue or organ to create pathology. The factors that cause the imbalance of the tridoshas are mostly connected to the lifestyle of the person or such factors that are specific to the person or disease or both.

When diseases occur, the approach of Ayurveda is

  • Eradicate the cause of the dosha imbalance,
  • Regulate the imbalance among the doshas from the site
  • Provide strength to the tissue or organ so that they are restored to normal levels of structure and function and withstand any recurrent dosha assault

The cause becomes a deciding factor to ascertain prognosis and the intensity of the disease. If the cause continues, the disease might relapse or express in a different manner. Therefore the dosha causing factors should be eradicated so that recurrence is ruled out.

Since Ayurveda addresses the cause of a disease, it also addresses the environment conducive for the disease to thrive. Therefore Ayurveda does not confine itself to destroying organisms but the very environment that causes the organisms to increase. This is one of the most outstanding features in Ayurvedic approach. When the environment is changed and restored to its original, there never is a need to address organisms and infections separately. They simply become nonexistent, naturally. It also helps to avoid completely the menace of side effects of the medicines which the modern science needs to factor in every treatment protocol. The main theme in Ayurveda is to transform the environment internally without an invasive approach. Therefore there is no need of antibiotics or bactericidal approach in the treatment.

This approach has a significant impact on the quality of health and the speed of recovery. It is also non invasive, therefore, the body, quite naturally and willingly undergoes the transformation which leaves behind no signs of reactionary protest.

Therefore, when patients start Ayurvedic treatment, they feel ‘better’, immediately although there may not be any significant change in the symptoms. The ‘feel better’ factor is a sign that the body has accepted the medicines and willingly started to undergo the necessary change in its structure and function.

* This is the Doctor’s interpretation of the Ayurvedic Texts based on his experience of over 32 years, and that there can be further discussion on the issue.