Side Effects of Medicines

The side effects of medicines, is largely a shortsightedness of the pharmacists or lack of approach to see through the entire action of the medicine. The active principle existing in the medicine is solely used as a medicine in modern pharmacology. Ayurveda looks at it differently. Every vanaspati or a medicinal plant is a confluence of many components, and when the texts state that it works on a certain disease, it means that the entire plant is under consideration.

The modern science however locates the active principle under laboratory conditions and proves that that component alone is the primary drug. This drug is mass manufactured and used as a medicine. Ayurveda differs in this approach because it understands the confluence of the various components and their involvement in the healing process. Each component exists there for a purpose. The purpose is to either enhance the medicinal effect or to neutralize the ill effects or the adverse effects of the concerned medicine thereby making it completely safe for consumption.

Excessively sharp medicines are far less in Ayurveda. The patient’s constitution could be such that it might tend to react to certain medicines. The Vaidya checks this possible outcome and use such medicines judiciously. In other cases, certain medicines are added to counter the excess sharpness so that it complies with the patient’s constitution.

Hence, there is negligible need for lab experiments on rats and other animals and can be straight away used on the humans if it has been stated in the texts. The medicines derived from the plant kingdom are effective and devoid of any side effects. The manufacturing process is simple, safe and can be fairly liberally used under physician’s supervision. 

Ayurveda perspective

In Bhasmas or medicines derived from minerals, the process of manufacturing is tedious and needs strict vigilance. Every step of the manufacturing process needs to be scrutinized and quality standards verified before moving to the next step of the processing.

Inert minerals are activated to be of use to human body by processing them with live medicinal plants and heat treatment that is derived from cow dung cakes, which also have medicinal value.

The Ayurvedic Pharmacology is very obvious, simple and adhering to the laws of nature and if the processes are carefully followed, the resulting medicines provide nothing short of miracles.

* This is the Doctor’s interpretation of the Ayurvedic Texts based on his experience of over 32 years, and that there can be further discussion on the issue.