Sports Medicine and Ayurveda

Sports medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with physical fitness, maintaining of fitness and addressing issues that arise out of the sport occupation. Sports injuries are majorly, localized in nature. They are rarely systemic in origin. The pathology in sports injuries are caused by external factors like trauma and do not have an inherent or internal origin. The modern science advises exercises, medication and surgery for such disorders. Fitness regime for athletes and sport persons is rigorous and that can become a cause of injuries. Besides the frame of mind in which the muscles are exerted can also reflect on the nature and intensity of the injury.


Sports injury is caused by external causes that can be broadly described as follows;

  1. Trauma or a hit in a limited area
  2. Fall from height affecting larger area like the back or lower extremity
  3. Excessive stretch that goes beyond the normal health capacity
  4. Exerting more force or energy beyond normal capacity, by sheer will
  5. Exhaustion due to long hours

Sports injury can be categorized into functional limitation and structural damage. The functional limitation can be due to loss in strength, inflammation of a certain area that prevents usual movement. Structural damage can be categorized into following possibilities;

  1. Tear in ligaments / muscles/ tendons
  2. Deep wounds that affect normal activity
  3. Hairline fractures in the bones due to trauma
  4. Wounds caused by burns, chemicals like acids etc
  5. Injuries disorders caused by inhaling toxic gases, fumes or lack of oxygen

Ayurveda Outlook

When the human body exceeds its limited scope of movement, exceeds the use of force that is beyond its normal capacity, then it tends to give away. The muscles undergo a lot of strain and subsequently suffer.

Each of the above mentioned situations can be healed with Ayurveda without surgery. Often times, the surgery procedures, break the seamless fabric of the tissue and create complications in healing. It is a patch worked out on the expanse of the tissue.

Ayurveda encourages and supports the growth and restoration of the injured tissue to heal. It undergoes healing and reinstating the same quality of tissue as earlier. The strength of the tissue is immediately restored since the blood circulation in the injured area is simultaneously restored as the muscle tissue regeneration progresses.

The rehabilitation phase of the athletes is therefore reduced remarkably, the ease of movement is natural; the athlete need not have to relearn the process, and they can return to the same style of play far more early..

Revival of muscle strength and maintaining it at the same levels is a part of the fitness protocol. Ayurveda has distinct ways of maintaining this through internal medicines and external application of oils.

Maintenance of fitness comprises the strength and stamina that are derived from fitness regime, dietary regime, special diet with specific purpose, detection of potential functional disorders and monitoring them, addressing the disorders with specific treatments that comprise internal and localized treatment.

The potential of Ayurveda in sports medicine, in cases of soldiers working in sub zero temperatures and low air pressures, is still untapped and it would be wise for people to seek directions for the same.

* This is the Doctor’s interpretation of the Ayurvedic Texts based on his experience of over 32 years, and that there can be further discussion on the issue.