Health Articles
The Magic of Sleep
Sleep or nidra is one of the biggest healers of animal life across the universe. Sleep deprived person has a shorter life than a starved person. One can live longer without food than without sleep. Sleep heals and repairs the body, the indriyas or the sense organs, the man or the mind, the buddhi or the intellect, and the jiva or the soul that resides in each body.

How to Evaluate your water requirement ?
Water is an essential part of consumption among humans. Nearly 50 to 60 percent of the human body Is made up water. The flow of nutrients, the excretion of the unnecessary elements is an example of the role water plays in the human body. The entire body functioning has water as one of the primary elements that hugely contributes to its smooth functioning.
Sports Medicine and Ayurveda
Sports medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with physical fitness, maintaining of fitness and addressing issues that arise out of the sport occupation. Sports injuries are majorly, localized in nature. They are rarely systemic in origin. The pathology in sports injuries are caused by external factors like trauma and do not have an inherent or internal origin.
Sanitary Pads, Tampons and Vaginal Cups
Menstrual fluids and its convenient collection has been a pressing topic for many hygiene and scientific researchers. The old tradition of sanitary pads was replaced by tampons in the late 80s and 90s. The current trend is the use of menstrual cups that are inserted in the vaginal tract to collect the discharge.
Microwave technology is distinctly different from the Conventional heat treatment
Microwave technology is distinctly different from the conventional heat treatment that we have had over the ages. The microwave oven emits energy that converts the water and similar liquid elements into heat energy that could raise the heat in order to cook the food. The heat thus created astonishingly reduces the cooking time.
There are 3 stages in life in terms of food consumption; Ksheerad, Ksheeraannad and Annad.
Ksheerad – milk consuming infant
Ksheerannad – some food along with milk consumption
Annad – moved to regular food weaned away from milk

Scepticism about Ayurveda among Modern Scientists
Ayurveda is a science that has evolved over the last five thousand years. Like all other Indian sciences of India, Ayurveda has a rich heritage and existed before any documented medical science. The Indian civilization has seen unparallel prominence and respect all over the world in the olden times. It was shared with people of other lands who were interested in learning and thereby
enriching it further with their own individual prowess.

Side Effects of Medicines
The side effects of medicines, is largely a shortsightedness of the pharmacists or lack of approach to see through the entire action of the medicine. The active principle existing in the medicine is solely used as a medicine in modern pharmacology. Every vanaspati or a medicinal plant is a confluence of many components, and when the texts state that it works on a certain disease, it means that the entire plant is under consideration.
The modern medicine works on a set of parameters while addressing diseases. Before we understand these parameters it is necessary to understand how they see the disease itself.
Broadly, the modern medicines tend to classify the diseases in 2 Categories, 1) Structural
Abnormality and 2) Functional Deviation, both lead to diseases.
All animals have a specific period of age where they are fertile and are capable of procreation. Human beings, another type of animal, are no exception to this law of nature. The animal kingdom is bestowed with the reproductive system with the sole purpose of procreation and leave behind another specimen of its own species.
Pre Menstrual Symptoms
Many women do not notice if their periods are just round the corner, while some notice changes in the body about 10 – 15 days before the onset. There are some who notice a few hours before the onset of the periods. These are indications of an imminent procedure where none of the symptoms be considered as abnormal or a pathology.
The Phase of Menopause among Women
Menopause is an inevitable phase in human existence where nature indicates that it has started to take away certain roles and functions from the human beings. It also suggests that one major phase of life is coming to an end.
Exercise and Exertion - A THIN LINE OF DIFFERENCE
One of the most popular medicines since ages, as it was made commercially and made itself and Ayurveda, a household name.
- Improves immunity of the person.
- Helps nourishment of the sapta dhatu or the tissues of the body.
- The digestive capacity and quality of digestion gets vastly improved.
One of the most popular medicines since ages, as it was made commercially and made itself and Ayurveda, a household name.
- Improves immunity of the person.
- Helps nourishment of the sapta dhatu or the tissues of the body.
- The digestive capacity and quality of digestion gets vastly improved.
Milk and it's Consumption
Is Milk for everyone, children and adults?
Breast feed is one of the most important feed any child can have. The initial stage of the child is such that it would naturally crave for the mother’s milk. Milk, generally is an important element of food in the initial days of life for physical as well as emotional well being for a child.
How is Rock Salt or Sendhav healthy according to Ayurveda?
Sendhav or Rock Salt is an exceptional edible salt, commonly used in Indian cuisines. In Ayurvedic terms, sendhav is said to have a slight madhur ras or taste, and not ooshna or heat- causing unlike the other types of salts. It improves appetite, promotes digestion, reduces flatulence and gas formation, and adds taste to the food. It helps reduce the three doshas and does not increase heat.
Is Menstruation connected to the Digestive System?
Blocks in blood vessels in the heart is the primary cause for advice for angioplasty. Primary cause is plaque accumulated or constriction of the blood vessel. A stent is introduced to widen the blood vessel so that it restores uniform blood flow. Plaque is a precipitation of doshas in the bloodstream.
How does Ayurveda view Hyperacidity or Amlapitta?
Time element or kaal is treated by Ayurved and Indian sciences in general with reverence. Effects of time are unstoppable. Modern science and technology can marginally reduce or slow down the effects of time but cannot eliminate them.
What is the importance of ghee or clarified butter according to Ayurveda?
Ghee is a Rasayan – A Tonic that Improves Agni Digestion. It is beneficial to the eyes, and is Vishaghna – विषघ्न – neutralizes effects of poison or reaction of toxins. Ghee reduces vat and pitta, it improves countenance, intelligence, memory, tone and quality of voice and overall strength of the body.
What is the Ayurvedic perspective on Angiography and Angioplasty?
Blocks in blood vessels in the heart is the primary cause for advice for angioplasty. Primary cause is plaque accumulated or constriction of the blood vessel. A stent is introduced to widen the blood vessel so that it restores uniform blood flow. Plaque is a precipitation of doshas in the bloodstream.
What are the Nuances regarding Diet in Ayurveda?
In the process of optimizing digestion, the heavier foods should be consumed at the beginning of a meal. Foods easier to digest should come at the end. The agni is at its best when there is still no food, therefore that would be an ideal for digesting the more complex and heavier foods – that comprises sweet food milk products mithai or sweetmeat, wheat, yoghurt etc.
What is the impact of Late Nights as per Ayurveda?
Late nights or staying up late in the nights has been a common trend, more so among the young generation. It starts off from completing term work and submissions during college days and then continues relentlessly into one’s career. This trend upsets the biological clock of the body and ends up becoming a cause for a variety of diseases.
Can you describe the effects of Sharad Ritu or the October Heat as stated in Ayurveda?
Late nights or staying up late in the nights has been a common trend, more so among the young generation. It starts off from completing term work and submissions during college days and then continues relentlessly into one’s career. This trend upsets the biological clock of the body and ends up becoming a cause for a variety of diseases.
What is the Ayurvedic perspective on the rain season or Varsha Ritu (Monsson season) in India and the tropical areas?
Excess water in the environment and cloud cover reflects on the body in a unique way. Varsha ritu gives rise to vat and vat related symptoms flare up during these times. If you are drenched in the rains and then dry the clothes on the body, the severity of vat goes up.
How does Ayurveda view Covid Infections and its aftermath?
Respiratory diseases show problems in breathing. It would normally be seen as a bronchial spasm that constricts the air passage, collection of phlegm, mucous in the passages leading to obstruction in breathing, or in some cases, loss of strength to inhale or exhale which we see in terminally ill patients.
What are the Effects of Time according to Ayurveda?
Time element or kaal is treated by Ayurved and Indian sciences in general with reverence. Effects of time are unstoppable. Modern science and technology can marginally reduce or slow down the effects of time but cannot eliminate them.